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Run QuickOSM process with a raw query#

This algorithm launches all the QuickOSM process from a raw query. The url is built with the parameters, the file is downloaded and treated.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
QUERY Query String A XML or OQL query to be sent to the Overpass API. It can contain some {{}} tokens.
TIMEOUT Timeout Integer The timeout to use for the overpass api connexion Default: 25
Type: Integer
Min: 5.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
EXTENT Extent, if "{{bbox}}" in the query Extent If the query has a {{bbox}} token, this extent will be used for replacement.
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:
AREA Area (if you want to override {{geocodeArea}} in the query) String The query is generated in the OQL format.
FILE Output file String Path to a geoPackage where the result will be saved


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_POINTS Layer with a point geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_LINES Layer with a line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTILINESTRINGS Layer with a multi line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTIPOLYGONS Layer with a polygon geometry QgsVectorLayer

Run QuickOSM process with a not spatial query#

This algorithm launches all the QuickOSM process from a not spatial query. The url is built with the parameters, the file is downloaded and treated.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
KEY Key, default to all keys String The OSM key to use. It can be empty and it will default to all keys.
VALUE Value, default to all values String The OSM value to use. It can be empty and it will default to all values.
TIMEOUT Timeout Integer The timeout to use for the overpass api connexion Default: 25
Type: Integer
Min: 5.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:
FILE Output file String Path to a geoPackage where the result will be saved


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_POINTS Layer with a point geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_LINES Layer with a line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTILINESTRINGS Layer with a multi line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTIPOLYGONS Layer with a polygon geometry QgsVectorLayer

Run QuickOSM process with an 'in area' query#

This algorithm launches all the QuickOSM process from an 'in area' query. The url is built with the parameters, the file is downloaded and treated.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
KEY Key, default to all keys String The OSM key to use. It can be empty and it will default to all keys.
VALUE Value, default to all values String The OSM value to use. It can be empty and it will default to all values.
AREA Around the area String The name of a place, a first query to the Nominatim API will be executed to fetch the OSM ID. A WKT Point string is accepted as well.
TIMEOUT Timeout Integer The timeout to use for the overpass api connexion Default: 25
Type: Integer
Min: 5.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:
FILE Output file String Path to a geoPackage where the result will be saved


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_POINTS Layer with a point geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_LINES Layer with a line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTILINESTRINGS Layer with a multi line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTIPOLYGONS Layer with a polygon geometry QgsVectorLayer

Run QuickOSM process with an 'around area' query#

This algorithm launches all the QuickOSM process from an 'around area' query. The url is built with the parameters, the file is downloaded and treated.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
KEY Key, default to all keys String The OSM key to use. It can be empty and it will default to all keys.
VALUE Value, default to all values String The OSM value to use. It can be empty and it will default to all values.
AREA Around the area String The name of a place, a first query to the Nominatim API will be executed to fetch the OSM ID. A WKT Point string is accepted as well.
DISTANCE Distance (meters) Number The distance to use when doing the buffering around the named area. The distance must be in meters. Default: 1000
Type: Integer
Min: 1.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
TIMEOUT Timeout Integer The timeout to use for the overpass api connexion Default: 25
Type: Integer
Min: 5.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:
FILE Output file String Path to a geoPackage where the result will be saved


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_POINTS Layer with a point geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_LINES Layer with a line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTILINESTRINGS Layer with a multi line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTIPOLYGONS Layer with a polygon geometry QgsVectorLayer

Run QuickOSM process with an 'extent' query#

This algorithm launches all the QuickOSM process from an 'extent' query. The url is built with the parameters, the file is downloaded and treated.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
KEY Key, default to all keys String The OSM key to use. It can be empty and it will default to all keys.
VALUE Value, default to all values String The OSM value to use. It can be empty and it will default to all values.
EXTENT Extent Extent The extent as a rectangle to use when building the query.
TIMEOUT Timeout Integer The timeout to use for the overpass api connexion Default: 25
Type: Integer
Min: 5.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:
FILE Output file String Path to a geoPackage where the result will be saved


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_POINTS Layer with a point geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_LINES Layer with a line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTILINESTRINGS Layer with a multi line geometry QgsVectorLayer
OUTPUT_MULTIPOLYGONS Layer with a polygon geometry QgsVectorLayer


Build query around an area#

This algorithm builds a query and then encode it into the Overpass API URL. The "Download File" algorithm might be used after that to fetch the result.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
KEY Key, default to all keys String The OSM key to use. It can be empty and it will default to all keys.
VALUE Value, default to all values String The OSM value to use. It can be empty and it will default to all values.
AREA Around the area String The name of a place, a first query to the Nominatim API will be executed to fetch the OSM ID. A WKT Point string is accepted as well.
DISTANCE Distance (meters) Number The distance to use when doing the buffering around the named area. The distance must be in meters. Default: 1000
Type: Integer
Min: 1.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
TIMEOUT Timeout Number The timeout to use for the Overpass API. Default: 25
Type: Integer
Min: 5.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_URL Query as encoded URL String The query is generated and encoded with the Overpass API URL. This output should be used in the File Downloader algorithm.
OUTPUT_OQL_QUERY Raw query as OQL String The query is generated in the OQL format.

Build query by attribute only#

This algorithm builds a query and then encode it into the Overpass API URL. The "Download File" algorithm might be used after that to fetch the result.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
KEY Key, default to all keys String The OSM key to use. It can be empty and it will default to all keys.
VALUE Value, default to all values String The OSM value to use. It can be empty and it will default to all values.
TIMEOUT Timeout Number The timeout to use for the Overpass API. Default: 25
Type: Integer
Min: 5.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_URL Query as encoded URL String The query is generated and encoded with the Overpass API URL. This output should be used in the File Downloader algorithm.
OUTPUT_OQL_QUERY Raw query as OQL String The query is generated in the OQL format.

Build query inside an extent#

This algorithm builds a query and then encode it into the Overpass API URL. The "Download File" algorithm might be used after that to fetch the result.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
KEY Key, default to all keys String The OSM key to use. It can be empty and it will default to all keys.
VALUE Value, default to all values String The OSM value to use. It can be empty and it will default to all values.
EXTENT Extent Extent The extent as a rectangle to use when building the query.
TIMEOUT Timeout Number The timeout to use for the Overpass API. Default: 25
Type: Integer
Min: 5.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_URL Query as encoded URL String The query is generated and encoded with the Overpass API URL. This output should be used in the File Downloader algorithm.
OUTPUT_OQL_QUERY Raw query as OQL String The query is generated in the OQL format.

Build query inside an area#

This algorithm builds a query and then encode it into the Overpass API URL. The "Download File" algorithm might be used after that to fetch the result.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
KEY Key, default to all keys String The OSM key to use. It can be empty and it will default to all keys.
VALUE Value, default to all values String The OSM value to use. It can be empty and it will default to all values.
AREA Inside the area String The name of the area. This will make a first query to the Nominatim API to fetch the OSM ID.
TIMEOUT Timeout Number The timeout to use for the Overpass API. Default: 25
Type: Integer
Min: 5.0, Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_URL Query as encoded URL String The query is generated and encoded with the Overpass API URL. This output should be used in the File Downloader algorithm.
OUTPUT_OQL_QUERY Raw query as OQL String The query is generated in the OQL format.

Build raw query#

A XML or OQL query to send to a Overpass API server.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
QUERY Query String A XML or OQL query to be sent to the Overpass API. It can contains some {{}} tokens.
EXTENT Extent, if "{{bbox}}" in the query Extent If the query has a {{bbox}} token, this extent will be used for replacement.
SERVER Overpass server String The Overpass API server to use to build the encoded URL. Default:
AREA Area (if you want to override {{geocodeArea}} in the query) String The query is generated in the OQL format.


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_URL Query as encoded URL String
OUTPUT_OQL_QUERY Raw query as OQL String

Open sublayers from an OSM file#

Open all sublayers from an OSM file. A custom OSM configuration file can be specified following the OGR documentation. This algorithm will not make a copy of the input file, it will only open it using OGR and custom INI file if provided.



ID Description Type Info Required Advanced Option
FILE OSM file File The extension can be a OSM or PBF file.
OSM_CONF OSM configuration File The OGR OSM configuration file. This file is used to customize the import process about OSM tags. You should read the OGR documentation


ID Description Type Info
OUTPUT_POINTS Output points VectorLayer The point layer from the OGR OSM driver.
OUTPUT_LINES Output lines VectorLayer The line layer from the OGR OSM driver.
OUTPUT_MULTILINESTRINGS Output multilinestrings VectorLayer The multilinestrings layer from the OGR OSM driver.
OUTPUT_MULTIPOLYGONS Output multipolygons VectorLayer The multipolygon layer from the OGR OSM driver.
OUTPUT_OTHER_RELATIONS Output other relations VectorLayer The relation layer from the OGR OSM driver.