
0 rows


Contains all the spatial objects, caracterized by a geometry type and an entity


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('gobs.spatial_object_id_seq'::regclass)
observation.fk_id_spatial_object observation_fk_id_spatial_object_fkey R


so_unique_id text 2147483647 null

Unique code of each object in the spatial layer ( INSEE, tag, etc.)

so_unique_label text 2147483647 null

Label of each spatial object. Ex : name of the city.

geom geometry 2147483647 null

Geometry of the spatial object. Alway in EPSG:4326

fk_id_spatial_layer int4 10 null spatial_object_fk_id_spatial_layer_fkey R

Spatial layer

so_valid_from date 13 (now())::date

Date from which the spatial object is valid.

so_valid_to date 13 null

Date from which the spatial object is not valid. Optional: if not given, the spatial object is always valid

so_uid uuid 2147483647 uuid_generate_v4()

Spatial object uid: autogenerated unique identifier

created_at timestamp 29,6 now()

Creation timestamp

updated_at timestamp 29,6 now()

Last updated timestamp


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
spatial_object_pkey Primary key Asc id
spatial_object_fk_id_spatial_layer_idx Performance Asc fk_id_spatial_layer
spatial_object_geom_idx Performance Asc geom
spatial_object_unique_key Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc so_unique_id + fk_id_spatial_layer + so_valid_from
