
0 rows


Allow to filter the access on projects and relative data (indicators, observations, etc.) with a spatial object for a given list of user groups. There must be at least one project view for the project, of type global. The other views must be of type filter.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('gobs.project_view_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier

pv_label text 2147483647 null

Label of the project view

fk_id_project int4 10 null project_view_fk_id_project_fkey C

Project id (foreign key)

pv_groups text 2147483647 null

List of user groups allowed to see observation data inside this project view spatial layer object. Use a coma separated value. Ex: “group_a, group_b”

pv_type text 2147483647 'global'::text

Type of the project view : “global” for the unique global view, and “filter” for the view made for spatial filter purpose

geom geometry 2147483647 null

Geometry of the project view: no observation can be created outside the project views geometries accessible from the authenticated user.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
project_view_pkey Primary key Asc id
