
0 rows


List of projects, which represents a group of indicators


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('gobs.project_id_seq'::regclass)
project_view.fk_id_project project_view_fk_id_project_fkeyC

Unique identifier

pt_code text 2147483647 null

Project code. Ex: weather_data

pt_lizmap_project_key text 2147483647 null

Lizmap project unique identifier (optional): repository_code~project_file_name. Ex: environment~weather

pt_label text 2147483647 null

Human readable label of the project. Ex: Weather data publication

pt_description text 2147483647 null

Description of the project.

pt_indicator_codes _text 2147483647 null

List of indicator codes available for this project

pt_groups text 2147483647 null

List of groups of users which have access to the project and its indicators, separated by coma.

pt_xmin float4 8,8 null

Minimum longitude (X min) in EPSG:4326

pt_ymin float4 8,8 null

Minimum latitude (Y min) in EPSG:4326

pt_xmax float4 8,8 null

Maximum longitude (X max) in EPSG:4326

pt_ymax float4 8,8 null

Maximum latitude (Y max) in EPSG:4326


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
project_pkey Primary key Asc id
project_pt_code_key Must be unique Asc pt_code
project_pt_label_key Must be unique Asc pt_label
