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The G-Obs API module is tightly linked to the G-Obs QGIS plugin, and to the use of Lizmap Web Client as the web map publication tool.

We write here some help regarding the specific configuration needed for G-Obs API. A full documentation on Lizmap Web Client is available here:


A project in G-Obs corresponds to a QGIS project published to Lizmap, with some specificities:

  • Indicators: In the QGIS Project properties, you need to have a project variable gobs_indicators containing the list of indicators that you want to publish in the project. To do so, open the project properties (CTRL+MAJ+P), go to the Variables tab, and add a new variable: name gobs_indicators and value begining exactly with the term gobs_indicators:, and containing the list of indicator codes separated by comma. For example: gobs_indicators:pluviometry,population will "publish" these two indicators (pluviometry and population) with the QGIS project.

  • Connection name: You must also add another QGIS project variable gobs_connection_name containing the name of the PostgreSQL connection name (as written in the QGIS connection configuration dialog). This connection name must be exactly the same as the name of the PostgreSQL service which is used locally (your computer) and in the GobsAPI server.

  • Additionnal spatial data: you can also publish a Geopackage file alongside the project, to be used by any software to display referential spatial layers on the map with the observation data. To do so, just create and save a Geopackage file containing vector layers (and raster layers if needed) named as the QGIS project. For example, if you project file is my_gobs_project.qgs, you must save the Geopackage file in the same folder with the name my_gobs_project.qgs.gpkg. You can create and populate this Geopackage with the QGIS processing tool Package layers accessible with the Processing / Toolbox menu.



In the G-Obs database, you can add documents to illustrate each indicator. To do so, the table gobs.document must be filled with appropriate data.

An indicator can have different types of documents:

  • document: any document such as PDF, ODT, DOC, DOCX, ZIP file
  • icon: the icon of the indicator (a simple and small image file). Must be a jpeg, jpg, png or gif.
  • image: an image file (photo, illustration)
  • other: any other unspecified type of document
  • preview: the image to be shown as the main illustration of the indicator. Must be a jpeg, jpg, png or gif.
  • video: a video file.
  • url: a URL pointing to an external ressource

All the document files must be stored in the API server. The document files must be stored inside a media/gobsapi/documents/ folder, with the media folder located in Lizmap repository root folder. This media folder must be writable. Do it for example with

chown -R :www-data /srv/data/media
chmod 775 -R /srv/data/media

For example, if Lizmap Web Client repository root folder is /srv/data/, the root gobsapi media folder will be /srv/data/media/ and the documents must be stored in /srv/data/media/gobsapi/documents/INDICATOR_CODE/DOCUMENT_TYPE/DOCUMENT_FILE_NAME.EXT, where

  • INDICATOR_CODE is the code of the indicator, for example pluviometry
  • DOCUMENT_TYPE is the type of the document, for example image
  • DOCUMENT_FILE_NAME.EXT is the name of the file, for example a_picture.jpg

Two examples:

  • /srv/data/media/gobsapi/documents/pluviometry/image/a_picture.jpg
  • /srv/data/media/gobsapi/documents/population/document/explaining_demography.pdf

In the table gobs.document of the G-Obs database , the path must be stored relative to the folder /srv/data/media/gobsapi/documents, and must begin only with the code of the indicator. For example :

  • pluviometry/image/a_picture.jpg
  • population/document/explaining_demography.pdf

The API module will then propose a URL to access each document, returned when querying the details of an indicator.



Each observation can have a photo, called media. When uploading this media file with the API entry point /project/PROJECT_CODE/indicator/INDICATOR_CODE/observation/OBSERVATION_UID/uploadMedia, the media file will be stored in the full path /srv/data/media/gobsapi/observations/OBSERVATION_UID.EXT where:

  • INDICATOR_CODE is the code of the indicator, for example pluviometry
  • OBSERVATION_UID is the UUID of the observation, for example e8f0a46c-1d24-456a-925a-387740ade1c6
  • EXT is the extension of the original file sent, for example jpeg

which can build the example path: /srv/data/media/gobsapi/observations/e8f0a46c-1d24-456a-925a-387740ade1c6.jpeg

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