Orphan Tables
DECLARE new_init geometry(POINT,2154); new_term geometry(POINT,2154); ouvrage_initial text; ouvrage_terminal text; cid integer; organisme text; table_ouvrage text; BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' OR TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN -- Récupération du noeud initial et terminal de la canalisation new_init := ST_StartPoint(NEW.geom); new_term := ST_EndPoint(NEW.geom); table_ouvrage = 'raepa.raepa_ouvrass_p'; IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'raepa_canalaep_l' THEN table_ouvrage = 'raepa.raepa_ouvraep_p'; END IF; -- Ouvrage initial EXECUTE format(' SELECT o.idouvrage FROM %s AS o WHERE o.idouvrage != Coalesce(''%s'', ''%s'' ) AND ST_DWithin(''%s''::geometry, o.geom, 0.05) LIMIT 1 ', table_ouvrage, NEW.idnini, '', new_init ) INTO ouvrage_initial; IF (ouvrage_initial IS NOT NULL ) THEN -- on déclare le noeud initial RAISE NOTICE 'canalisation % - ouvrage initial changé : %' , NEW.idcana, ouvrage_initial; NEW.idnini := ouvrage_initial; END IF; IF NEW.idnini IS NULL OR NEW.idnini = '' THEN NEW.idnini := 'INCONNU'; END IF; -- Ouvrage aval EXECUTE format(' SELECT o.idouvrage FROM %s AS o WHERE Coalesce(''%s'', ''%s'') != o.idouvrage AND ST_DWithin(''%s''::geometry, o.geom, 0.05) LIMIT 1 ', table_ouvrage, NEW.idnterm, '', new_term ) INTO ouvrage_terminal; IF ouvrage_terminal IS NOT NULL THEN -- on déclare le noeud final RAISE NOTICE 'canalisation % - ouvrage terminal changé : %' , NEW.idcana, ouvrage_terminal; NEW.idnterm := ouvrage_terminal; END IF; IF NEW.idnterm IS NULL OR NEW.idnterm = '' THEN NEW.idnterm := 'INCONNU'; END IF; END IF; -- Longueur projetée (entier et numérique) IF ( TG_OP = 'UPDATE' AND NOT ST_Equals(NEW.geom, OLD.geom) ) OR TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN -- Calculs fonctions de la géométrie NEW.longcana := ST_Length(NEW.geom)::integer; NEW._longcana_cm := ST_Length(NEW.geom)::numeric(7,2); END IF; -- Longueur réelle et Pente -- Seulement pour ASS car sinon par de zamont ou zaval IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'raepa_canalass_l' THEN IF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE' AND ( NOT ST_Equals(NEW.geom, OLD.geom) OR OLD.zamont != NEW.zamont OR OLD.zaval != NEW.zaval ) ) OR TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN NEW._longcana_reelle := CASE WHEN NEW.zamont > 0 AND NEW.zaval > 0 THEN sqrt( power(ST_Length(NEW.geom), 2) + power(NEW.zamont-NEW.zaval, 2) )::numeric(7,2) ELSE ST_Length(NEW.geom)::numeric(7,2) END ; NEW._pente := CASE WHEN NEW.zamont > 0 AND NEW.zaval > 0 THEN 100 * (NEW.zamont - NEW.zaval) / ST_Length(NEW.geom) ELSE 0 END ; END IF; END IF; -- Calcul de l'identifiant si besoin IF NEW.idcana IS NULL OR trim(NEW.idcana) = '' OR trim(NEW.idcana) = 'INCONNU' THEN NEW.idcana := raepa.generate_oid(TG_TABLE_NAME::text)::character varying; END IF; -- Champs requis IF NEW.enservice IS NULL OR NEW.enservice NOT IN ('O', 'N') THEN NEW.enservice := 'O'; END IF; IF NEW.branchemnt IS NULL OR NEW.branchemnt NOT IN ('O', 'N') THEN NEW.branchemnt := 'N'; END IF; -- Récupération du gestionnaire IF (NEW.mouvrage IS NULL) OR (NEW.gexploit IS NULL) OR (NEW.sourmaj IS NULL) THEN -- Récupération du gestionnaire SELECT INTO organisme s.nom FROM raepa.sys_organisme_gestionnaire s WHERE actif IS TRUE ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1; END IF; -- Métadonnées IF NEW.mouvrage IS NULL THEN NEW.mouvrage := organisme; END IF; IF NEW.gexploit IS NULL THEN NEW.gexploit := organisme; END IF; NEW.datemaj := now(); IF NEW.sourmaj IS NULL THEN NEW.sourmaj := organisme; END IF; -- Return updated feature RETURN NEW; END;