.. _configuration_settings: Configuration Settings ====================== Configuration can be done either by using a configuration file or with environnement variable. Except stated otherwise, the rule for environnement variable names is ``QGSWPS_
_`` all in uppercase. Common Configuration Options ============================= .. _SERVER_HTTP_PORT: SERVER_HTTP_PORT ---------------- Port to listen to :Type: int :Default: 8080 :Section: server :Key: port :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_HTTP_PORT .. _SERVER_INTERFACES: SERVER_INTERFACES ----------------- Interfaces to listen to :Type: string :Default: :Section: server :Key: interfaces :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_INTERFACES .. _SERVER_ENABLE_FILTERS: SERVER_ENABLE_FILTERS --------------------- Enable filters as python extension :Type: boolean :Default: yes :Section: server :Key: enable_filters :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_ENABLE_FILTERS .. _SERVER_HTTP_PROXY: SERVER_HTTP_PROXY ----------------- Indicates that the server is behind a reverse proxy. Set this to 'yes' if you are planning to use Forwarded Headers or set a static proxy url with `QGIS_SERVER__URL` :Type: boolean :Default: no :Section: server :Key: http_proxy :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_HTTP_PROXY .. _SERVER_PROXY_URL: SERVER_PROXY_URL ---------------- The url that must be seen by the client when the server is behind a proxy. Note that this option will be overridden by `QGIS_SERVER__URL` or by `X-Qgis--Url` headers. :Type: string :Section: server :Key: proxy_url :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_PROXY_URL .. _SERVER_OUTPUTFILE_AS_REFERENCE: SERVER_OUTPUTFILE_AS_REFERENCE ------------------------------ Select if output files are returned by reference for deferred download or in response body as complex output. :Type: boolean :Default: no :Section: server :Key: outputfile_as_reference :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_OUTPUTFILE_AS_REFERENCE .. _SERVER_MAXINPUTSIZE: SERVER_MAXINPUTSIZE ------------------- Max input file fetched as remote reference :Type: size :Default: 100m :Section: server :Key: maxinputsize :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_MAXINPUTSIZE .. _SERVER_MAXBUFFERSIZE: SERVER_MAXBUFFERSIZE -------------------- Max request buffer size. :Type: size :Default: 1m :Section: server :Key: maxbuffersize :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_MAXBUFFERSIZE .. _SERVER_WORKDIR: SERVER_WORKDIR -------------- Parent working directory where processes are executed. Each processes will create a working directory for storing results files and logs. The default value use the `gettempdir()` function. :Type: path :Default: System defaults :Section: server :Key: workdir :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_WORKDIR .. _SERVER_PARALLELPROCESSES: SERVER_PARALLELPROCESSES ------------------------ The number of parallel processes running `execute` requests. Extra processes will be queued. :Type: int :Default: 1 :Section: server :Key: parallelprocesses :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_PARALLELPROCESSES .. _SERVER_PROCESSLIFECYCLE: SERVER_PROCESSLIFECYCLE ----------------------- Maximal number of executions that can run in the same worker before being recreating the worker. :Type: int :Default: 1 :Section: server :Key: processlifecycle :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_PROCESSLIFECYCLE .. _SERVER_MAXQUEUESIZE: SERVER_MAXQUEUESIZE ------------------- Maximal number of waiting tasks - extra tasks will return a 509 in synchronous execution. :Type: int :Default: 100 :Section: server :Key: maxqueuesize :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_MAXQUEUESIZE .. _SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ----------------------- Timeout for tasks execution in seconds. Task running longer that this time will be aborted and a timeout error is returned. :Type: int :Default: 1800 :Section: server :Key: response_timeout :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT .. _SERVER_RESPONSE_EXPIRATION: SERVER_RESPONSE_EXPIRATION -------------------------- Response expiration in seconds. After that delay from the task's end, data (working directory and status) for that task will be deleted. :Type: int :Default: 86400 :Section: server :Key: response_expiration :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_RESPONSE_EXPIRATION .. _SERVER_WMS_SERVICE_URL: SERVER_WMS_SERVICE_URL ---------------------- The url for the service used to retrieve results as WMS/WFS references. Usually this will correspond to a QGIS server serving OWS services from results projects. :Type: string :Default: Request host url :Section: server :Key: wms_service_url :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_WMS_SERVICE_URL .. _SERVER_RESULTS_MAP_URI: SERVER_RESULTS_MAP_URI ---------------------- Base uri used for the MAP argument in WMS/WFS response references. Define a base URI to use for 'MAP' arguments in WMS/WFS responses, this uri may corresponds to an 'alias in py-qgis-server ' _. :Type: string :Default: wps_result_map_uri :Section: server :Key: wms_service_url :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_RESULTS_MAP_URI .. _SERVER_CROSS_ORIGIN: SERVER_CROSS_ORIGIN ------------------- Allows any origin for CORS. If set to 'no', allow only CORS for the 'Origin' header. :Type: boolean :Section: server :Key: cross_origin :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_CROSS_ORIGIN .. _SERVER_RESTARTMON: SERVER_RESTARTMON ----------------- The file to watch for restarting workers. When the modified date of the file is changed, the processing providers are reloaded. The restart is graceful, jobs terminate normally. During the restart process, the providers are reloaded, this allow for updating providers, models and scripts without interrupting the service. :Type: path :Section: server :Key: restartmon :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_RESTARTMON .. _SERVER_SSL: SERVER_SSL ---------- Enable SSL endpoint :Type: boolean :Default: no :Version Added: 1.6.4 :Section: server :Key: ssl :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_SSL .. _SERVER_SSL_CERT: SERVER_SSL_CERT --------------- Path to the SSL certificat file :Type: path :Version Added: 1.6.4 :Section: server :Key: ssl_cert :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_SSL_CERT .. _SERVER_SSL_KEY: SERVER_SSL_KEY -------------- Path to the SSL key file :Type: path :Version Added: 1.6.4 :Section: server :Key: ssl_key :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_SSL_KEY .. _SERVER_ENABLE_JOB_REALM: SERVER_ENABLE_JOB_REALM ----------------------- Enable job access control by associating a realm token to each job. Realm token are set by setting the 'X-Job-Realm' header to the token. :Type: boolean :Default: no :Version Added: 1.8 :Section: server :Key: enable_job_realm :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_ENABLE_JOB_REALM .. _SERVER_ADMIN_REALM: SERVER_ADMIN_REALM ------------------ Administrator realm token. It allows bearer to bypass any other token :Type: path :Version Added: 1.8 :Section: server :Key: admin_realm :Env: QGSWPS_SERVER_ADMIN_REALM .. _LOGGING_LEVEL: LOGGING_LEVEL ------------- Set the logging level :Type: ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'] :Default: DEBUG :Section: logging :Key: level :Env: QGSWPS_LOGGING_LEVEL .. _REDIS_HOST: REDIS_HOST ---------- Redis storage backend host :Type: string :Default: localhost :Section: logstorage:redis :Key: host :Env: QGSWPS_REDIS_HOST .. _REDIS_PORT: REDIS_PORT ---------- Redis storage backend port :Type: string :Default: 6379 :Section: logstorage:redis :Key: port :Env: QGSWPS_REDIS_PORT .. _REDIS_DBNUM: REDIS_DBNUM ----------- Redis storage backend database index :Type: string :Section: logstorage:redis :Key: dbnum :Env: QGSWPS_REDIS_DBNUM .. _REDIS_PREFIX: REDIS_PREFIX ------------ Redis storage backend key prefix. :Type: string :Default: pyqgiswps :Section: logstorage:redis :Key: prefix :Env: QGSWPS_REDIS_PREFIX .. _CACHE_SIZE: CACHE_SIZE ---------- The maximal number of QGIS projects held in cache. The cache strategy is LRU. :Type: int :Default: 10 :Section: projects.cache :Key: size :Env: QGSWPS_CACHE_SIZE .. _CACHE_ROOTDIR: CACHE_ROOTDIR ------------- The directory location for QGIS project files. :Type: path :Section: projects.cache :Key: rootdir :Env: QGSWPS_CACHE_ROOTDIR .. _CACHE_STRICT_CHECK: CACHE_STRICT_CHECK ------------------ Activate strict checking of project layers. When enabled, QGIS projects with invalid layers will be dismissed and an 'Unprocessable Entity' (422) HTTP error will be issued. :Type: boolean :Default: yes :Section: projects.cache :Key: strict_check :Env: QGSWPS_CACHE_STRICT_CHECK .. _PROCESSING_PROVIDERS_MODULE_PATH: PROCESSING_PROVIDERS_MODULE_PATH -------------------------------- Path to QGIS processing providers modules :Type: path :Section: processing :Key: providers_module_path :Env: QGSWPS_PROCESSING_PROVIDERS_MODULE_PATH .. _PROCESSING_EXPOSED_PROVIDERS: PROCESSING_EXPOSED_PROVIDERS ---------------------------- Comma separated list of exposed QGIS processing internal providers. We do not recommend exposing all providers like `qgis` or `native`, it's better to create your own script or model. :Type: list :Default: script,model :Section: processing :Key: exposed_providers :Env: QGSWPS_PROCESSING_EXPOSED_PROVIDERS .. _PROCESSING_ACCESSPOLICY: PROCESSING_ACCESSPOLICY ----------------------- Path to the access policy configuration file :Type: path :Default: PROCESSING_PROVIDERS_MODULE_PATH/accesspolicy.yml :Section: processing :Key: accesspolicy :Env: QGSWPS_PROCESSING_ACCESSPOLICY .. _PROCESSING_VECTOR_FILEEXT: PROCESSING_VECTOR_FILEEXT ------------------------- Define the default vector file extensions for vector destination parameters. If not specified, then the QGIS default value is used. :Type: string :Section: processing :Key: vector.fileext :Env: QGSWPS_PROCESSING_VECTOR_FILEEXT .. _PROCESSING_RASTER_FILEEXT: PROCESSING_RASTER_FILEEXT ------------------------- Define the default raster file extensions for raster destination parameters. If not specified, then the QGIS default value is used. :Type: string :Section: processing :Key: raster.fileext :Env: QGSWPS_PROCESSING_RASTER_FILEEXT .. _PROCESSING_RAW_DESTINATION_INPUT_SINK: PROCESSING_RAW_DESTINATION_INPUT_SINK ------------------------------------- Allow input value as sink for destination layers. This allow value passed as input value to be interpreted as path or uri sink definition. This enable passing any string that QGIS may use a input source but without open options except for the 'layername=' option. Running concurrent jobs with this option may result in unpredictable behavior. For that reason it is considered as an UNSAFE OPTION and you should never enable this option if you are exposing the service publicly. File path prefixed with '/' will correspond to path located in the root directory specified by the `PROCESSING_DESTINATION_ROOT_PATH`_ option. Otherwise, they will be stored in the job folder. :Type: boolean :Section: processing :Key: unsafe.raw_destination_input_sink :Env: QGSWPS_PROCESSING_RAW_DESTINATION_INPUT_SINK .. _PROCESSING_DESTINATION_ROOT_PATH: PROCESSING_DESTINATION_ROOT_PATH -------------------------------- Specify the root directory for storing destination layers files when the `PROCESSING_RAW_DESTINATION_INPUT_SINK`_ option is enabled. If not specified, file will be stored in the job folder. :Type: string :Section: processing :Key: destination_root_path :Env: QGSWPS_PROCESSING_DESTINATION_ROOT_PATH .. _PROCESSING_ADJUST_ELLIPSOID: PROCESSING_ADJUST_ELLIPSOID --------------------------- Force the ellipsoid from the src project into the destination project. This only apply if the src project has a valid CRS. :Type: boolean :Section: processing :Key: adjust_ellipsoid :Env: QGSWPS_PROCESSING_ADJUST_ELLIPSOID .. _PROCESSING_DEFAULT_CRS: PROCESSING_DEFAULT_CRS ---------------------- Set the CRS to use when no source map is specified. For more details on supported formats see the GDAL method ``GRSpatialReference::SetFromUserInput()`` :Type: string :Default: EPSG:4326 :Section: processing :Key: default_crs :Env: QGSWPS_PROCESSING_DEFAULT_CRS