Lizmap Web Client
Create web map applications with QGIS
René-Luc D'Hont/Michaël Douchin - 3liz
## 3liz
* **QGIS** and **PostgreSQL** lovers
* QGIS **core** contributors (mainly server)
* 7 employees
* QGIS / QGIS Server / PostgreSQL / Lizmap
* **Open Source** forever
* Development, server hosting, consulting, support, training
![Logo 3liz](media/Logo_car_coul.png)
## Need to publish web maps ?
* You already **use and love QGIS** as your main GIS tool
* You need to publish **full-featured applications** to the web
* You have **no time** to set up and configure web maps in **complex admin panels** nor reinventing the wheel
## Lizmap ♥ QGIS
* The **QGIS desktop project** is your **web map configuration**: symbology, printing composers, attribute tables, editing forms, expressions, etc.
* Same approach as **QField** or **Input**: QGIS is the pivot software
* **Lizmap QGIS plugin**: configure only specific map options (scales, available tools)
* **Web admin panel** mainly for **authentication and authorization management** (users & groups)
* It is **open-source**: Mozilla Public Licence
## History
* Created in **2011** as simple QGIS project viewer
* Based on **QGIS Server** and **OGC standards**: WMS, WFS, WMTS, WPS
* Has evolved to a **full-featured** web gis application generator by integrating many great **QGIS features**: symbology, relations, printing, etc.
## How-to publish a web map application:
* Create and set up your **QGIS project** (e.g. layers and server properties)
* Use **Lizmap plugin** to configure the map options and tools (extent, scales)
* **Send** your QGIS project, lizmap configuration, data and others files **to the server**
**\o/** You've got a web map based on this QGIS project **\o/**
# Use cases
## Some examples to demonstrate
## the main features
## Meylan - map catalog
* French city in the Alps
* Publish thematic maps for citizens
* Eye-candy, with a focus on simplicity
## Aduga - Popups
### Identify an object
* **Urban planning agency**
* Highlight key figures of **local business parks**
* Use **Lizmap HTML popup** with QGIS tooltip & expressions
## Borbonica - Dataviz
* La Réunion **National park** (Indian ocean)
* Publish a **dashboard** on plant and animal observation data
* Use Lizmap **dataviz module** with PostgreSQL views
## Cats - relations and atlas
* **Movebank** public dataset on **domestic cats** positions
* Show **relations between layers** data
* Use **QGIS relations** in the project properties dialog
* Add **attribute tables** in Lizmap plugin for these layers
* Iterate over cats with **atlas tool**
## Cadastre - business application
* **French Britanny** group of cities: Centre Morbihan Communauté
* Search **parcels** by location or owner information
* Dedicated **Cadastre Lizmap modules** with a **QGIS Server Python plugin**
* Lizmap native **access control** to protect sensitive data
## A growing community
* Different types of users
* private companies
* public organizations
* research centers
* Main contribution in **translation and documentation**
* JS scripts repository contributions
* Bug triaging
## OpenSource
### Google your community of users ?
* Bonelli eagle 2017-2019
* Indian ocean environment survey
* IRSTEA Earth Observation:
* Georice, South-East Asia:
* Faunalia (Italie)
* Consorzio Toscana Nord (Italy)
* Live QField users map:
* Município de Arraiolos (Portugal)
* SAERI (South Atlantic):
## Extensibility
* Server sides modules
* User Javascript scripts
* CSS themes
* Map Builder module
* HTML powered : iframes, video/audio, etc.
## Lizmap 3.3
* **QGIS 3** server support !
* Many many **bug fixes**
* Data **form filtering** based on vector layers
## Lizmap RFC
* Lizmap Web Client **version 4**
* OpenLayers **5 or 6**
* **ECMAScript** 6 or 2016+
* W3C **Web Components**
* **Unidirectional** User Interface Architecture
* **Bootstrap** 4
* **Jquery** 3
* **Plugin version 4**
* Lizmap as a **QGIS Server Python Service**: config, layers properties
* QGIS Server Lizmap **Access Control**: filter data/fields based on auth
## W3C Web Components
* We would like to use **native W3C Web Components** to:
* limit the **size** of our source code
* limit the **dependancies** to "cool" frameworks (maintained for ? years)
* benefit from web browser **native performances**
* We think that:
* the dependancy to OpenLayers is already **big enough**
* **standard** technologies are **sustainables**: 10 years old HTML/CSS/JS codes still works!
# Links
* Demo:
* Website:
* Documentation
* docker-compose
* To contribute
* RFC:
* web-client
* plugin
* documentation
* localizing
Thank you for your attention