API Documentation
Table of Contents
- actionListener
- actionConfig
- Manage and give access to lizmap configuration.
- actionDockableListener
- defaultCtrl
- serviceCtrl
- PHP proxy to execute action request.
- actionModuleInstaller
- actionModuleUpgrader
- configListener
- listProjectDatasource
- listRepositoryDatasource
- lzmAuthListener
- aclCtrl
- Lizmap administration.
- configCtrl
- Lizmap administration.
- landing_page_contentCtrl
- Lizmap administration : landing page content.
- logsCtrl
- Lizmap administration : logs.
- mapsCtrl
- Lizmap administration.
- qgis_projectsCtrl
- Lizmap administration : List of QGIS projects.
- server_informationCtrl
- Lizmap administration : Server information page.
- themeCtrl
- Lizmap administration : theme.
- upload_imageCtrl
- Image upload controller for ckeditor.
- adminModuleInstaller
- adminModuleUpgrader
- adminModuleUpgrader_layerexport
- adminModuleUpgrader_newAclRights
- project_listZone
- Construct a list of Lizmap projects.
- datavizListener
- datavizConfig
- Manage and give access to lizmap configuration.
- datavizDockableListener
- datavizPlot
- datavizPlotScatter
- datavizPlotBox
- datavizPlotBar
- datavizPlotBarH
- datavizPlotHistogram
- datavizPlotPie
- datavizPlotHistogram2d
- datavizPlotPolar
- datavizPlotSunburst
- datavizPlotHtml
- defaultCtrl
- serviceCtrl
- PHP Dataviz service to get plot config.
- datavizModuleInstaller
- filterListener
- filterConfig
- Manage and give access to lizmap configuration.
- filterDatasource
- Manage and give access to lizmap configuration.
- filterDockableListener
- defaultCtrl
- serviceCtrl
- PHP proxy to execute filter request.
- filterModuleInstaller
- filterModuleUpgrader
- UnknownLizmapProjectException
- lizmap
- lizmapFts
- lizmapFtsSearchListener
- Lizmap FTS searcher.
- lizmapLogListener
- Log lizmap actions.
- lizmapLogConfig
- lizmapLogItem
- lizmapOGCRequest
- dummy class for compatibility.
- lizmapProject
- lizmapProxy
- dummy class for compatibility.
- lizmapRepository
- lizmapServices
- Manage and give access to lizmap configuration.
- lizmapTheme
- Manage and give access to lizmap theme configuration.
- lizmapTiler
- lizmapWkt
- qgisAttributeEditorElement
- qgisExpressionUtils
- qgisFormListener
- qgisLayerDbFieldsInfo
- qgisMapLayer
- Give access to qgis mapLayer configuration.
- qgisProject
- qgisServer
- Get information about QGIS Server.
- qgisVectorLayer
- Give access to qgis mapLayer configuration.
- qgisVectorLayerDatasource
- Give access to qgis mapLayer configuration.
- tools
- Some generic methods.
- banCtrl
- Php proxy to access OpenStreetMap services.
- databaseCtrl
- defaultCtrl
- Redirect to the default repository project list page.
- editionCtrl
- featuresCtrl
- Get features from QGIS Server with the help of expressions.
- geobookmarkCtrl
- Lizmap administration.
- osmCtrl
- Php proxy to access OpenStreetMap services.
- projectCtrl
- repositoryCtrl
- searchCtrl
- Php proxy to access OpenStreetMap services.
- searchFtsCtrl
- Php proxy to access database search.
- serviceCtrl
- Php proxy to access map services.
- wmtsCtrl
- lizmapModuleInstaller
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_commconfig
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_configjcommunity
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_geobookmark
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_layerexport
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_logip
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_qgisprojectcache
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_replyto
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_requestscache
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_smtpmailer18
- Move smtp access parameters from localconfig to profiles.
- lizmapModuleUpgrader_userfields
- lizmapMainViewItem
- Class for items in the main view list.
- lizmapMapDockItem
- Class for items in the main view list.
- popup
- viewListener
- ajaxCtrl
- Displays the list of projects for ajax request.
- appCtrl
- Methods providing information about Lizmap application.
- defaultCtrl
- Displays a list of project for a given repository.
- embedCtrl
- Displays a full featured map based on one Qgis project.
- lizAjaxCtrl
- Displays the list of projects for ajax request.
- lizMapCtrl
- Displays a full featured map based on one Qgis project.
- mapCtrl
- Displays a full featured map based on one Qgis project.
- mediaCtrl
- translateCtrl
- Service to provide translation dictionary.
- viewModuleInstaller
- ajax_viewZone
- Construct the view list for ajax.
- main_viewZone
- Construct the main view list.
- map_bottomdockZone
- Construct the subdock content.
- map_dockZone
- Construct the toolbar content.
- map_headermenuZone
- Construct the toolbar content.
- map_menuZone
- Construct the toolbar content.
- map_minidockZone
- Construct the toolbar content.
- map_rightdockZone
- Construct the toolbar content.
- mapDockItemSort() : mixed
- mapDockItemsMerge() : mixed
mapDockItemSort(mixed $itemA, mixed $itemB) : mixed
- $itemA : mixed
- $itemB : mixed
mapDockItemsMerge(mixed $itemsA, mixed $itemsB) : mixed
- $itemsA : mixed
- $itemsB : mixed