Lizmap Web Client 3.10.0

in package

Manage and give access to lizmap configuration.




2012-2022 3liz


Mozilla Public License :

Table of Contents


$adminContactEmail  : string
Admin contact email.
$adminSenderEmail  : string
Administrator sender email.
$adminSenderName  : string
Administrator sender name.
$allInMap  : mixed
Display all project in maps.
$allowUserAccountRequests  : mixed
If we allow to view the form to request an account.
$appName  : string
Application name.
$cacheExpiration  : string
Cache expiration.
$cacheRedisDb  : string
Redis DB.
$cacheRedisHost  : string
Redis host.
$cacheRedisKeyPrefix  : string
Redis key prefix.
$cacheRedisKeyPrefixFlushMethod  : string
Method to flush keys when $cacheRedisKeyPrefix is set.
$cacheRedisPort  : string
Redis port.
$cacheRootDirectory  : string
Cache root directory.
$cacheStorageType  : string
Map cache server type.
$debugMode  : mixed
Debug mode : none or log.
$defaultProject  : string
Default project in default repository.
$defaultRepository  : string
Default repository.
$googleAnalyticsID  : string
Application ID for Google Analytics.
$lizmapPluginAPIURL  : string
Custom URL to the API exposed by the Lizmap plugin for QGIS Server.
$onlyMaps  : mixed
Do not display Lizmap projects page.
$projectSwitcher  : mixed
Show projects switcher in maps page.
$proxyHttpBackend  : string
backend to use to do http request : use curl ('curl') or file_get_contents ('php').
$qgisProjectsPrivateDataFolder  : string
Root folder of QGIS project inspection data output files (qgis-project-validator).
$qgisServerMetadata  : string
QGIS server JSON metadata file name.
$qgisServerVersion  : string
QGIS Server version For external modules only, which are still using the variable.
$relativeWMSPath  : string
Does the server use relative Path from root folder?
$requestProxyEnabled  : bool
Map cache server.
$requestProxyHost  : string
Proxy host.
$requestProxyNotForDomain  : string
List of domains separated by a comma, to which the proxy is not used.
$requestProxyPassword  : string
Proxy password.
$requestProxyPort  : string
Proxy port.
$requestProxyType  : string
Proxy type: 'http' or 'socks5'. Only used with the curl proxyHttpBackend.
$requestProxyUser  : string
Proxy user.
$rootRepositories  : string
Root folder of repositories.
$uploadedImageMaxWidthHeight  : int
Uploaded image maximum width and height.
$wmsMaxHeight  : int
WMS max height.
$wmsMaxWidth  : int
WMS max width.
$wmsPublicUrlList  : string
Public WMS list.
$wmsServerHeaders  : array<string|int, mixed>
Headers to send to WMS map server.
$wmsServerURL  : string
QGIS Server URL.
$appContext  : mixed
$data  : mixed
Lizmap configuration data from lizmapConfig.ini.php This allow to access to configuration properties that are not exposed via properties member for this class.
$globalConfig  : mixed
$globalConfigProperties  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of properties mapped to a parameter of the main configuration of Jelix.
$isUsingLdap  : mixed
$metricsEnabled  : bool|int
$notEditableProperties  : array<string|int, string>
List of properties that are not editable at all.
$properties  : mixed
List of all properties of lizmapServices that are editable in the configuration form of Lizmap.
$sensitiveProperties  : mixed
services properties to not display into the configuration form, when hideSensitiveServicesProperties is set to 1.
$varPath  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
constructor method.
areMetricsEnabled()  : bool|int
getHostLizmapAPI()  : string
Host URL to the Lizmap QGIS Server API, taking care of the QGIS Server context : FCGI, QJazz, etc.
getLizmapRepository()  : lizmapRepository
This method will create and return a lizmapRepository instance.
getProperties()  : mixed
getQgisProjectsPrivateDataFolder()  : string
Get the path where the inspection data generated by qgis-project-validator tool are stored. If not found, use the rootRepositories folder.
getRootRepositories()  : mixed
getSensitiveProperties()  : mixed
getUrlLizmapQgisServerMetadata()  : string
URL to the JSON QGIS Server metadata, taking care of the QGIS Server context : FCGI, QJazz, etc.
hideSensitiveProperties()  : mixed
isLdapEnabled()  : mixed
isRelativeWMSPath()  : mixed
isSmtpEnabled()  : mixed
modify()  : mixed
Modify the services.
saveIntoIni()  : mixed
sendNotificationEmail()  : mixed



If we allow to view the form to request an account.

public mixed $allowUserAccountRequests = ''


Default project in default repository.

public string $defaultProject = ''


Application ID for Google Analytics.

public string $googleAnalyticsID = ''


Custom URL to the API exposed by the Lizmap plugin for QGIS Server.

public string $lizmapPluginAPIURL = ''

Property which can be an empty string if QGIS FCGI is used.


Show projects switcher in maps page.

public mixed $projectSwitcher = ''


backend to use to do http request : use curl ('curl') or file_get_contents ('php').

public string $proxyHttpBackend = ''

leave empty to have automatic selection (it will use curl if the curl extension is installed). Fill it only for tests.


Root folder of QGIS project inspection data output files (qgis-project-validator).

public string $qgisProjectsPrivateDataFolder = ''


QGIS server JSON metadata file name.

public static string $qgisServerMetadata = '/server.json'


Does the server use relative Path from root folder?

public string $relativeWMSPath = '0'


List of domains separated by a comma, to which the proxy is not used.

public string $requestProxyNotForDomain = 'localhost,'


Proxy type: 'http' or 'socks5'. Only used with the curl proxyHttpBackend.

public string $requestProxyType = 'http'


Uploaded image maximum width and height.

public int $uploadedImageMaxWidthHeight = 1920


Headers to send to WMS map server.

public array<string|int, mixed> $wmsServerHeaders = array()


Lizmap configuration data from lizmapConfig.ini.php This allow to access to configuration properties that are not exposed via properties member for this class.

private mixed $data = array()


List of properties mapped to a parameter of the main configuration of Jelix.

private array<string|int, mixed> $globalConfigProperties = array( // property name => array(ini parameter name, ini section name) 'allowUserAccountRequests' => array('registrationEnabled', 'jcommunity'), 'adminSenderEmail' => array('webmasterEmail', 'mailer'), 'adminSenderName' => array('webmasterName', 'mailer'), )


private bool|int $metricsEnabled = \false

true/1 if metrics should be sent to the metric logger


List of properties that are not editable at all.

private array<string|int, string> $notEditableProperties = array('cacheRedisKeyPrefixFlushMethod', 'wmsServerHeaders', 'metricsEnabled')


List of all properties of lizmapServices that are editable in the configuration form of Lizmap.

private mixed $properties = array('appName', 'wmsServerURL', 'wmsPublicUrlList', 'wmsMaxWidth', 'wmsMaxHeight', 'lizmapPluginAPIURL', 'cacheStorageType', 'cacheExpiration', 'defaultRepository', 'defaultProject', 'onlyMaps', 'projectSwitcher', 'rootRepositories', 'qgisProjectsPrivateDataFolder', 'relativeWMSPath', 'proxyHttpBackend', 'requestProxyEnabled', 'requestProxyHost', 'requestProxyPort', 'requestProxyUser', 'requestProxyPassword', 'requestProxyType', 'requestProxyNotForDomain', 'debugMode', 'cacheRootDirectory', 'cacheRedisHost', 'cacheRedisPort', 'cacheRedisDb', 'cacheRedisKeyPrefix', 'allowUserAccountRequests', 'adminContactEmail', 'adminSenderEmail', 'adminSenderName', 'googleAnalyticsID', 'uploadedImageMaxWidthHeight')

properties values are stored into lizmapConfig.ini.php or the main configuration.


services properties to not display into the configuration form, when hideSensitiveServicesProperties is set to 1.

private mixed $sensitiveProperties = array('wmsServerURL', 'wmsPublicUrlList', 'wmsMaxWidth', 'wmsMaxHeight', 'lizmapPluginAPIURL', 'cacheStorageType', 'cacheExpiration', 'rootRepositories', 'qgisProjectsPrivateDataFolder', 'relativeWMSPath', 'requestProxyEnabled', 'requestProxyHost', 'requestProxyPort', 'requestProxyUser', 'requestProxyPassword', 'requestProxyType', 'requestProxyNotForDomain', 'debugMode', 'cacheRootDirectory', 'cacheRedisHost', 'cacheRedisPort', 'cacheRedisDb', 'cacheRedisKeyPrefix', 'adminSenderEmail', 'proxyHttpBackend')



constructor method.

public __construct(array<string|int, mixed> $readConfigPath, object $globalConfig, bool $ldapEnabled, string $varPath, mixed $appContext) : mixed
$readConfigPath : array<string|int, mixed>

the lizmapConfig ini file put in an array

$globalConfig : object

the jelix configuration

$ldapEnabled : bool

true if ldapdao module is enabled

$varPath : string

the configuration files path given by jApp::varPath()

$appContext : mixed


Host URL to the Lizmap QGIS Server API, taking care of the QGIS Server context : FCGI, QJazz, etc.

public getHostLizmapAPI() : string
Return values

the host part of the Lizmap API


This method will create and return a lizmapRepository instance.

public getLizmapRepository(string $key) : lizmapRepository
$key : string

the name of the repository

Return values

The lizmapRepository instance


Get the path where the inspection data generated by qgis-project-validator tool are stored. If not found, use the rootRepositories folder.

public getQgisProjectsPrivateDataFolder() : string
Return values

Path of the folder containing the inspection data


URL to the JSON QGIS Server metadata, taking care of the QGIS Server context : FCGI, QJazz, etc.

public getUrlLizmapQgisServerMetadata() : string
Return values

the URL to the QGIS Server JSON metadata file


Modify the services.

public modify(array<string|int, mixed> $data) : mixed
$data : array<string|int, mixed>

array containing the data of the services


public saveIntoIni(mixed $ini, mixed $liveIni) : mixed
$ini : mixed
$liveIni : mixed


public sendNotificationEmail(mixed $subject, mixed $body) : mixed
$subject : mixed
$body : mixed

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