Source: modules/config/LayerTree.js

 * @module config/LayerTree.js
 * @name LayerTree
 * @copyright 2023 3Liz
 * @author DHONT René-Luc
 * @license MPL-2.0

import { ValidationError, ConversionError } from './../Errors.js';
import { Extent } from './../utils/Extent.js';
import { AttributionConfig } from './Attribution.js';
import { LayerConfig, LayersConfig } from './Layer.js';

 * Class representing a wMS layer Geographic Bounding Box
 * @class
 * @augments Extent
export class LayerGeographicBoundingBoxConfig extends Extent {

     * Create the WMS layer Geographic Bounding Box
     * @param {...number} args - the 4 values describing the Geographic Bounding Box: west, south, east, north
     * @throws {ValidationError} for number of args different of 4
     * @throws {ConversionError} for values not number
    constructor(...args) {

     * Get the west value
     * @type {number}
    get west() {
        return this[0];

     * Get the south value
     * @type {number}
    get south() {
        return this[1];

     * Get the east value
     * @type {number}
    get east() {
        return this[2];

     * Get the north value
     * @type {number}
    get north() {
        return this[3];

 * Class representing a WMS layer Bounding Box
 * @class
 * @augments Extent
export class LayerBoundingBoxConfig extends Extent {
     * Create the WMS layer Geographic Bounding Box
     * @param {string}   crs    - the CRS name
     * @param {number[]} values - the 4 values describing the Geographic Bounding Box: west, south, east, north
     * @throws {ValidationError} for number of args different of 4
     * @throws {ConversionError} for values not number
    constructor(crs, values) {
        this._crs = crs;

     * The CRS name
     * @type {string}
    get crs() {
        return this._crs;

 * Class representing a WMS layer Style
 * @class
export class LayerStyleConfig {

     * Create a WMS layer Style instance
     * @param {string} wmsName  - the layer WMS style name
     * @param {string} wmsTitle - the layer WMS style title
    constructor(wmsName, wmsTitle) {
        this._wmsName = wmsName;
        this._wmsTitle = wmsTitle;

     * WMS Style name
     * @type {string}
    get wmsName() {
        return this._wmsName;

     * WMS Style title
     * @type {string}
    get wmsTitle() {
        if (!this._wmsTitle) {
            return this._wmsName;
        return this._wmsTitle;


 * Class representing a layer tree item config
 * @class
export class LayerTreeItemConfig {

     * Create a layer tree item config instance
     * @param {string}      name         - the QGIS layer name
     * @param {string}      type         - the layer tree item type
     * @param {number}      level        - the layer tree item level
     * @param {object}      wmsCapaLayer - the WMS capabilities layer element
     * @param {LayerConfig} [layerCfg]   - the lizmap layer config
    constructor(name, type, level, wmsCapaLayer, layerCfg) {
        this._name = name;
        this._type = type;
        this._level = level;
        this._wmsCapa = wmsCapaLayer;
        if (!layerCfg) {
            this._layerCfg = null;
        } else {
            this._layerCfg = layerCfg;

     * The layer name - QGIS layer name
     * @type {string}
    get name() {
        return this._name;

     * The layer tree item type
     * @type {string}
    get type() {
        return this._type;

     * the layer tree item level
     * @type {number}
    get level() {
        return this._level;

     * WMS layer name
     * @type {?string}
    get wmsName() {
        if(!this._wmsCapa.hasOwnProperty('Name')) {
            return null;
        return this._wmsCapa.Name;

     * WMS layer title
     * @type {string}
    get wmsTitle() {
        return this._wmsCapa.Title;

     * WMS layer abstract
     * @type {?string}
    get wmsAbstract() {
        if(!this._wmsCapa.hasOwnProperty('Abstract')) {
            return null;
        return this._wmsCapa.Abstract;

     * WMS layer Geographic Bounding Box
     * @type {?LayerGeographicBoundingBoxConfig}
    get wmsGeographicBoundingBox() {
        if(!this._wmsCapa.hasOwnProperty('EX_GeographicBoundingBox')) {
            return null;
        return new LayerGeographicBoundingBoxConfig(...this._wmsCapa.EX_GeographicBoundingBox);

     * WMS layer Bounding Boxes
     * @type {LayerBoundingBoxConfig[]}
    get wmsBoundingBoxes() {
        let wmsBoundingBoxes = [];
        for(const wmsBoundingBox of this._wmsCapa.BoundingBox) {
            wmsBoundingBoxes.push(new LayerBoundingBoxConfig(, wmsBoundingBox.extent))
        return [...wmsBoundingBoxes];

     * WMS layer minimum scale denominator
     * If the minimum scale denominator is not defined: -1 is returned
     * @type {number}
    get wmsMinScaleDenominator() {
        if(!this._wmsCapa.hasOwnProperty('MinScaleDenominator')) {
            return -1;
        return this._wmsCapa.MinScaleDenominator;

     * WMS layer maximum scale denominator
     * If the maximum scale denominator is not defined: -1 is returned
     * @type {number}
    get wmsMaxScaleDenominator() {
        if(!this._wmsCapa.hasOwnProperty('MaxScaleDenominator')) {
            return -1;
        return this._wmsCapa.MaxScaleDenominator;

     * Lizmap layer config
     * @type {?LayerConfig}
    get layerConfig() {
        return this._layerCfg;

 * Class representing a layer tree layer config
 * @class
 * @augments LayerTreeItemConfig
export class LayerTreeLayerConfig extends LayerTreeItemConfig {

     * Create a layer tree layer config instance
     * @param {string}      name         - the QGIS layer name
     * @param {number}      level        - the layer tree item level
     * @param {object}      wmsCapaLayer - the WMS capabilities layer element
     * @param {LayerConfig} layerCfg     - the lizmap layer config
    constructor(name, level, wmsCapaLayer, layerCfg) {
        super(name, 'layer', level, wmsCapaLayer, layerCfg);
        this._wmsStyles = null;

     * WMS layer styles
     * @type {LayerStyleConfig[]}
    get wmsStyles() {
        if (this._wmsStyles !== null) {
            return this._wmsStyles;
        if(!this._wmsCapa?.['Style']) {
            this._wmsStyles = [new LayerStyleConfig('', 'Default')];
        } else {
            let wmsStyles = [];
            for(const wmsStyle of this._wmsCapa.Style) {
                wmsStyles.push(new LayerStyleConfig(wmsStyle.Name, wmsStyle.Title))
            this._wmsStyles = wmsStyles;
        return [...this._wmsStyles];

     * WMS layer attribution
     * @type {?AttributionConfig}
    get wmsAttribution() {
        if(!this._wmsCapa?.['Attribution']) {
            return null;
        const attribution = this._wmsCapa.Attribution;
        if (!attribution.hasOwnProperty('Title')) {
            return null;
        return new AttributionConfig({
            title: attribution.Title,
            url: attribution.hasOwnProperty('OnlineResource') ? attribution.OnlineResource : null,

 * Class representing a layer tree group config
 * @class
 * @augments LayerTreeItemConfig
export class LayerTreeGroupConfig extends LayerTreeItemConfig {

     * Create a layer tree group config instance
     * @param {string}                name         - the QGIS layer name
     * @param {number}                level        - the layer tree item level
     * @param {LayerTreeItemConfig[]} items        - the children layer tree items
     * @param {object}                wmsCapaLayer - the WMS capabilities layer element
     * @param {LayerConfig}           [layerCfg]   - the lizmap layer config
    constructor(name, level, items, wmsCapaLayer, layerCfg) {
        super(name, 'group', level, wmsCapaLayer, layerCfg);
        this._items = items;

     * Children items count
     * @type {number}
    get childrenCount() {
        return this._items.length;

     * Children items
     * @type {LayerTreeItemConfig[]}
    get children() {
        return [...this._items];

     * Iterate through children items
     * @generator
     * @yields {LayerTreeItemConfig} The next child item
    *getChildren() {
        for (const item of this._items) {
            yield item;

     * Find layer names
     * @returns {string[]} The layer names of all the tree layer
    findTreeLayerConfigNames() {
        let names = []
        for(const item of this.getChildren()) {
            if (item instanceof LayerTreeLayerConfig) {
            } else if (item instanceof LayerTreeGroupConfig) {
                names = names.concat(item.findTreeLayerConfigNames());
        return names;

     * Find layer items
     * @returns {LayerTreeLayerConfig[]} All the tree layer layers config
    findTreeLayerConfigs() {
        let items = []
        for(const item of this.getChildren()) {
            if (item instanceof LayerTreeLayerConfig) {
            } else if (item instanceof LayerTreeGroupConfig) {
                items = items.concat(item.findTreeLayerConfigs());
        return items;

 * Function to build layer tree items config based on WMS capabilities
 * @function
 * @param {object}       wmsCapaLayerGroup - the wms layer capabilities
 * @param {LayersConfig} layersCfg         - the lizmap layers config instance
 * @param {number}       level             - the wms layer level
 * @returns {LayerTreeItemConfig[]} the layer tree items of the wms layer
function buildLayerTreeGroupConfigItems(wmsCapaLayerGroup, layersCfg, level) {
    let items = [];
    if (!wmsCapaLayerGroup.hasOwnProperty('Layer')) {
        return items;
    for(const wmsCapaLayer of wmsCapaLayerGroup.Layer) {
        const wmsName = wmsCapaLayer.Name;
        const cfg = layersCfg.getLayerConfigByWmsName(wmsName);
        if (cfg == null) {
            console.log('The WMS layer name `'+ wmsName +'` is unknown!');
        if (wmsCapaLayer.hasOwnProperty('Layer') && wmsCapaLayer.Layer.length != 0) {
            const groupItems = buildLayerTreeGroupConfigItems(wmsCapaLayer, layersCfg, level+1);
            items.push(new LayerTreeGroupConfig(, level+1, groupItems, wmsCapaLayer, cfg));
        } else {
            // avoid to add the baseLayers group to the map if it doesn't contain any layer.
            if(wmsName.toLowerCase() != 'baselayers') {
                items.push(new LayerTreeLayerConfig(, level+1, wmsCapaLayer, cfg));

    return items;

 * Function to build the root layer tree config based on WMS capabilities
 * @function
 * @param {object}       wmsCapaLayerRoot - the wms root layer capabilities
 * @param {LayersConfig} layersCfg        - the lizmap layers config instance
 * @returns {LayerTreeGroupConfig} The root layer tree config based on WMS capabilities
export function buildLayerTreeConfig(wmsCapaLayerRoot, layersCfg) {
    let items = buildLayerTreeGroupConfigItems(wmsCapaLayerRoot, layersCfg, 0);
    return new LayerTreeGroupConfig('root', 0, items, wmsCapaLayerRoot);