* @module modules/Popup.js
* @name Popup
* @copyright 2023 3Liz
* @license MPL-2.0
import Overlay from 'ol/Overlay.js';
import WMS from '../modules/WMS.js';
import { Utils } from './Utils.js';
* @class
* @name Popup
export default class Popup {
* Create a popup instance
* @param {Config} initialConfig - The lizmap initial config instance
* @param {Layers} lizmapState - The lizmap user interface state
* @param {Map} map - OpenLayers map
* @param {Digitizing} digitizing - The Lizmap digitizing instance
constructor(initialConfig, lizmapState, map, digitizing) {
this._initialConfig = initialConfig;
this._lizmapState = lizmapState;
this._map = map;
this._digitizing = digitizing;
this._pointTolerance = initialConfig.options?.pointTolerance || 25;
this._lineTolerance = initialConfig.options?.lineTolerance || 10;
this._polygonTolerance = initialConfig.options?.polygonTolerance || 5;
// Allow toggling of active state
this.active = true;
// OL2
OpenLayers.Control.Click = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
defaultHandlerOptions: {
'single': true,
'double': false,
'pixelTolerance': 10,
'stopSingle': false,
'stopDouble': false
initialize: function () {
this.handlerOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
{}, this.defaultHandlerOptions
this, arguments
this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Click(
this, {
'click': this.trigger
}, this.handlerOptions
trigger: evt => {
var click = new OpenLayers.Control.Click();
// OL8
* Create an overlay to anchor the popup to the map.
* @returns {boolean} False
document.getElementById('liz_layer_popup_closer').onclick = () => {
return false;
this._overlay = new Overlay({
element: document.getElementById('liz_layer_popup'),
autoPan: {
animation: {
duration: 250,
this._map.on('singleclick', evt => this.handleClickOnMap(evt));
get mapPopup() {
return this._overlay;
handleClickOnMap(evt) {
const pointTolerance = this._pointTolerance;
const lineTolerance = this._lineTolerance;
const polygonTolerance = this._polygonTolerance;
if (!this.active || lizMap.editionPending || this._digitizing.toolSelected != 'deactivate' || this._digitizing.isEdited || this._digitizing.isErasing) {
const xCoord = evt?.xy?.x || evt?.pixel?.[0];
const yCoord = evt?.xy?.y || evt?.pixel?.[1];
// Order popups following layers order
let candidateLayers = this._lizmapState.rootMapGroup.findMapLayers().toSorted((a, b) => b.layerOrder - a.layerOrder);
// Only request visible layers
candidateLayers = candidateLayers.filter(layer => layer.visibility);
// Only request layers with 'popup' checked in plugin
// Or some edition capabilities
candidateLayers = candidateLayers.filter(layer => {
const layerCfg = layer.layerConfig;
let editionLayerCapabilities;
if (this._initialConfig?.editionLayers?.layerNames.includes(layer.name)) {
editionLayerCapabilities = this._initialConfig?.editionLayers?.getLayerConfigByLayerName(layer.name)?.capabilities;
return layerCfg.popup || editionLayerCapabilities?.modifyAttribute || editionLayerCapabilities?.modifyGeometry || editionLayerCapabilities?.deleteFeature;
//const layersWMS = candidateLayers.map(layer => layer.wmsName).join();
//const layersStyles = candidateLayers.map(layer => layer.wmsSelectedStyleName || "").join()
const layersNames = [];
const layersStyles = [];
const filterTokens = [];
const legendOn = [];
const legendOff = [];
let popupMaxFeatures = 10;
for (const layer of candidateLayers) {
const layerWmsParams = layer.wmsParameters;
// Add layer to the list of layers
// Optionally add layer style if needed (same order as layers )
if ('FILTERTOKEN' in layerWmsParams) {
if ('LEGEND_ON' in layerWmsParams) {
if ('LEGEND_OFF' in layerWmsParams) {
if (layer.layerConfig.popupMaxFeatures > popupMaxFeatures) {
popupMaxFeatures = layer.layerConfig.popupMaxFeatures;
const wms = new WMS();
const [width, height] = this._map.getSize();
let bbox = this._map.getView().calculateExtent();
if (this._map.getView().getProjection().getAxisOrientation().substring(0, 2) === 'ne') {
bbox = [bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2]];
const wmsParams = {
QUERY_LAYERS: layersNames.join(','),
LAYERS: layersNames.join(','),
STYLE: layersStyles.join(','),
CRS: this._map.getView().getProjection().getCode(),
BBOX: bbox,
WIDTH: width,
HEIGHT: height,
FEATURE_COUNT: popupMaxFeatures,
I: Math.round(xCoord),
J: Math.round(yCoord),
FI_POINT_TOLERANCE: pointTolerance,
FI_LINE_TOLERANCE: lineTolerance,
FI_POLYGON_TOLERANCE: polygonTolerance
if (filterTokens.length) {
wmsParams.FILTERTOKEN = filterTokens.join(';');
if (legendOn.length) {
wmsParams.LEGEND_ON = legendOn.join(';');
if (legendOff.length) {
wmsParams.LEGEND_OFF = legendOff.join(';');
document.getElementById('newOlMap').style.cursor = 'wait';
wms.getFeatureInfo(wmsParams).then(response => {
lizMap.displayGetFeatureInfo(Utils.sanitizeGFIContent(response), { x: xCoord, y: yCoord }, evt?.coordinate);
}).finally(() => {
document.getElementById('newOlMap').style.cursor = 'auto';