* @module components/MousePosition.js
* @name MousePosition
* @copyright 2023 3Liz
* @author BOISTEAULT Nicolas
* @license MPL-2.0
import { mainLizmap } from '../modules/Globals.js';
import { html, render } from 'lit-html';
import { transform, get as getProjection } from 'ol/proj.js';
import { forward } from '../dependencies/mgrs.js';
import MGRS from '../modules/MGRS.js';
* @class
* @name MousePosition
* @augments HTMLElement
export default class MousePosition extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._numDigits = 0;
// 'm', 'ft', 'us-ft','degrees', 'dm', 'dms'
this._displayUnit = 'm';
// 'm', 'ft', 'us-ft', 'degrees'
// lon/lat in map projection
// lon/lat in inputs (written when mouse move or by user)
// Don't add line break between <input>s or it adds a space in UI
mainTemplate(lon, lat){
const inputLongitude = html`<input type="number" step="any" placeholder="longitude" @input=${(event) => this._lonInput = parseFloat(event.target.value)} @keydown=${(event) => { if (event.key === 'Enter') { this._centerToCoords(); } }} .value=${isNaN(lon) ? 0 : lon}>`;
const inputLatitude = html`<input type="number" step="any" placeholder="latitude" @input=${(event) => this._latInput = parseFloat(event.target.value)} @keydown=${(event) => { if (event.key === 'Enter') { this._centerToCoords(); } }} .value=${isNaN(lat) ? 0 : lat}>`;
return html`
<div class="mouse-position">
<div class="editable-position ${['dm', 'dms', 'mgrs'].includes(this._displayUnit) ? 'hide' : ''}">
<div class="readonly-position ${['dm', 'dms', 'mgrs'].includes(this._displayUnit) ? '' : 'hide'}">
<button class="btn btn-sm" title="${lizDict['mouseposition.removeCenterPoint']}" @click=${() => this._removeCenterPoint()}><i class="icon-refresh"></i></button>
<div class="coords-unit">
<select title="${lizDict['mouseposition.select']}" @change=${(event) => { this.displayUnit = event.target.value }}>
${this._qgisProjectProjectionUnits === 'm' ? html`
<option selected value="m">${lizDict['mouseposition.units.m']}</option>` : ''}
${ ['ft', 'us-ft'].includes(this._qgisProjectProjectionUnits) ? html`
<option selected value="f">${lizDict['mouseposition.units.f']}</option>` : ''}
<option value="degrees">${lizDict['mouseposition.units.d']}</option>
<option value="dm">${lizDict['mouseposition.units.dm']}</option>
<option value="dms">${lizDict['mouseposition.units.dms']}</option>
<option value="mgrs">MGRS</option>
_centerToCoords() {
if (this._lonInput && this._latInput) {
let lonlatInputInMapProj;
// If map projection is not yet in degrees => reproject to EPSG:4326
if (this._displayUnit === 'degrees' && mainLizmap.lizmap3.map.projection.getUnits() !== 'degrees') {
lonlatInputInMapProj = transform([this._lonInput, this._latInput], 'EPSG:4326', mainLizmap.projection);
} else {
lonlatInputInMapProj = transform([this._lonInput, this._latInput], mainLizmap.qgisProjectProjection, mainLizmap.projection);
mainLizmap.center = lonlatInputInMapProj;
// Display point
const featureAsWKT = `POINT(${lonlatInputInMapProj[0]} ${lonlatInputInMapProj[1]})`;
mainLizmap.map.setHighlightFeatures(featureAsWKT,"wkt", mainLizmap.projection);
_removeCenterPoint() {
* Update the display unit of the mouse position
* @param {string} unit - Unit to display 'm', 'mgrs' ...
set displayUnit(unit){
unit === 'm' ? this._numDigits = 0 : this._numDigits = 5;
this._displayUnit = unit;
if (this._longitude && this._latitude){
this.redraw(this._longitude, this._latitude);
if(unit === 'mgrs'){
this._MGRS = new MGRS({
showLabels: true,
wrapX: false,
name: 'LizmapMousePositionMGRS'
} else {
// Callback to map's mousemove event
if (evt == null) {
let lon,lat;
// OL2
const lonlat = mainLizmap.lizmap3.map.getLonLatFromPixel(evt.xy);
if (lonlat !== null) {
lon = lonlat.lon;
lat = lonlat.lat;
} else if (evt.pixel){ //OL6
[lon, lat ] = mainLizmap.map.getCoordinateFromPixel(evt.pixel);
if(lon && lat){
this._longitude = lon;
this._latitude = lat;
this.redraw(lon, lat);
redraw(lon, lat) {
let lonLatToDisplay = [lon, lat];
// Display in degree, degree minute, degree minute second or MGRS
if (['degrees', 'dm', 'dms', 'mgrs'].includes(this._displayUnit)) {
// If map projection is not yet in degrees => reproject to EPSG:4326
if (mainLizmap.lizmap3.map.projection.getUnits() !== 'degrees') {
lonLatToDisplay = transform(lonLatToDisplay, mainLizmap.projection, 'EPSG:4326');
// If in degrees, lon/lat are editable
if (this._displayUnit === 'degrees') {
render(this.mainTemplate(lonLatToDisplay[0].toFixed(this._numDigits), lonLatToDisplay[1].toFixed(this._numDigits)), this);
} else if (this._displayUnit === 'mgrs') {
let mgrsCoords = '';
try {
mgrsCoords = forward(lonLatToDisplay);
mgrsCoords = mgrsCoords.slice(0, -12) + ' ' + mgrsCoords.slice(-12, -10) + ' ' + mgrsCoords.slice(-10, -5) + ' ' + mgrsCoords.slice(-5);
} catch (error) {
render(this.mainTemplate(mgrsCoords, ''), this);
} else {
lonLatToDisplay[0] = this.getFormattedLonLat(lonLatToDisplay[0], 'lon', this._displayUnit);
lonLatToDisplay[1] = this.getFormattedLonLat(lonLatToDisplay[1], 'lat', this._displayUnit);
render(this.mainTemplate(lonLatToDisplay[0], lonLatToDisplay[1]), this);
} else {
lonLatToDisplay = transform(lonLatToDisplay, mainLizmap.projection, mainLizmap.qgisProjectProjection);
render(this.mainTemplate(lonLatToDisplay[0].toFixed(this._numDigits), lonLatToDisplay[1].toFixed(this._numDigits)), this);
this._lonInput = lonLatToDisplay[0];
this._latInput = lonLatToDisplay[1];
getFormattedLonLat (coordinate, axis, dmsOption) {
if (!dmsOption) {
dmsOption = 'dms'; //default to show degree, minutes, seconds
coordinate = (coordinate + 540) % 360 - 180; // normalize for sphere being round
var abscoordinate = Math.abs(coordinate);
var coordinatedegrees = Math.floor(abscoordinate);
var coordinateminutes = (abscoordinate - coordinatedegrees) / (1 / 60);
var tempcoordinateminutes = coordinateminutes;
coordinateminutes = Math.floor(coordinateminutes);
var coordinateseconds = (tempcoordinateminutes - coordinateminutes) / (1 / 60);
coordinateseconds = Math.round(coordinateseconds * 10);
coordinateseconds /= 10;
if (coordinateseconds >= 60) {
coordinateseconds -= 60;
coordinateminutes += 1;
if (coordinateminutes >= 60) {
coordinateminutes -= 60;
coordinatedegrees += 1;
if (coordinatedegrees < 10) {
coordinatedegrees = "0" + coordinatedegrees;
var str = coordinatedegrees + "\u00B0";
if (dmsOption.indexOf('dms') >= 0) {
if (coordinateminutes < 10) {
coordinateminutes = "0" + coordinateminutes;
str += coordinateminutes + "'";
if (coordinateseconds < 10) {
coordinateseconds = "0" + coordinateseconds;
str += coordinateseconds + '"';
} else if (dmsOption.indexOf('dm') >= 0) {
coordinateminutes = Math.round(tempcoordinateminutes * 1000);
coordinateminutes = coordinateminutes / 1000;
if (coordinateminutes < 10) {
coordinateminutes = "0" + coordinateminutes;
str += coordinateminutes + "'";
if (axis == "lon") {
str += coordinate < 0 ? "W" : "E";
} else {
str += coordinate < 0 ? "S" : "N";
return str;
connectedCallback() {
// Init variables
this._qgisProjectProjectionUnits = getProjection(mainLizmap.qgisProjectProjection).getUnits();
this.displayUnit = this._qgisProjectProjectionUnits;
// Listen to mousemove event
// OL2
mainLizmap.lizmap3.map.events.register('mousemove', this, this._mousemove);
// OL6
mainLizmap.map.on('pointermove', (evt) => this._mousemove(evt));
// First render
render(this.mainTemplate(null, null), this);
disconnectedCallback() {
// OL2
mainLizmap.lizmap3.map.events.unregister('mousemove', this, this._mousemove);
// OL6
mainLizmap.map.un('pointermove', (evt) => this._mousemove(evt));