* @module components/FeaturesTable.js
* @name FeaturesTable
* @copyright 2024 3Liz
* @author DOUCHIN Michaël
* @license MPL-2.0
import { html, render } from 'lit-html';
import { mainLizmap, mainEventDispatcher } from '../modules/Globals.js';
import GeoJSON from 'ol/format/GeoJSON.js';
* @class
* @name FeaturesTable
* @summary Allows to display a compact list of vector layer features labels
* @augments HTMLElement
* @description lizmap-features-table
* @fires FeaturesTable#features.table.item.highlighted
* @fires FeaturesTable#features.table.item.dragged
* @fires FeaturesTable#features.table.rendered
* @example <caption>Example of use</caption>
* <lizmap-features-table draggable="yes" sortingOrder="asc" sortingField="libsquart"
* withGeometry="1" expressionFilter="quartmno = 'HO'"
* uniqueField="id" layerId="subdistrict_24ceec66_e7fe_46a2_b57a_af5c50389649"
* layerTitle="child sub-districts"
* (optional) data-show-highlighted-feature-geometry="true"
* (optional) data-center-to-highlighted-feature-geometry="true"
* (optional) data-max-features="100"
* (optional) data-active-item-feature-id="5"
* >
* <lizmap-field data-alias="District's name" data-description="Label of district's name">
* "libsquart"
* </lizmap-field>
* </lizmap-features-table>
export default class FeaturesTable extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
// Random element id
if (window.isSecureContext) {
this.id = window.crypto.randomUUID();
} else {
this.id = btoa(String.fromCharCode(...new Uint8Array( Array(30).fill().map(() => Math.round(Math.random() * 30)) )));
// Layer name
this.layerTitle = this.getAttribute('layerTitle') || 'Features table: error';
// Layer id
this.layerId = this.getAttribute('layerId');
// Error text
this.error = null;
// Get the layer name & configuration
this.layerConfig = null;
if (mainLizmap.initialConfig.layers.layerIds.includes(this.layerId)) {
this.layerConfig = mainLizmap.initialConfig.layers.getLayerConfigByLayerId(this.layerId);
// Primary key field
this.uniqueField = this.getAttribute('uniqueField');
// Expression filter
this.expressionFilter = this.getAttribute('expressionFilter');
// Get the geometry or NetworkError
this.withGeometry = this.hasAttribute('withGeometry');
// Sorting attribute
this.sortingField = this.getAttribute('sortingField');
// Sorting order
const sortingOrder = this.getAttribute('sortingOrder');
this.sortingOrder = (sortingOrder !== null && ['asc', 'desc'].includes(sortingOrder.toLowerCase())) ? sortingOrder : 'asc';
// open popup ?
this.openPopup = (this.layerConfig && this.layerConfig.popup);
// Add drag&drop capability ?
const draggable = this.getAttribute('draggable');
this.itemsDraggable = (draggable !== null && ['yes', 'no'].includes(draggable.toLowerCase())) ? draggable : 'no';
// Features
this.features = [];
// Additional Fields JSON
this.additionalFields = {fields:[]};
// Clicked item line number
this.activeItemLineNumber = null;
// Maximum number of features
this.maxFeatures = (this.dataset.maxFeatures > 0) ? this.dataset.maxFeatures : 1000;
* Load features from the layer and configured filter
async load() {
if (this.dataset.showHighlightedFeatureGeometry === 'true') {
// Remove the highlight on the map
// Build needed fields
let fields = `${this.uniqueField}`;
if (this.sortingField) {
fields += ',' + this.sortingField;
let uniqueAdditionalFields = [];
// Create a unique JSON object for PHP request
if (!this.isAdditionalFieldsEmpty()) {
uniqueAdditionalFields = {};
this.additionalFields.fields.forEach(field => {
uniqueAdditionalFields[field.alias] = field.expression;
// Get the features corresponding to the given parameters from attributes
mainLizmap.featuresTable.getFeatures(this.layerId, this.expressionFilter, this.withGeometry, fields, uniqueAdditionalFields, this.maxFeatures, this.sortingField, this.sortingOrder)
.then(displayExpressions => {
// Check for errors
if (!('status' in displayExpressions)) return;
if (displayExpressions.status != 'success') {
} else {
// Set component data property
this.features = displayExpressions.data;
// Render
// If an error occurred, replace empty content with error
if (displayExpressions.status != 'success') {
this.querySelector('table.lizmap-features-table-container').innerHTML = `<p style="padding: 3px;">
.catch(err => {
// Display an error message
this.innerHTML = `<p style="padding: 3px;">${err.message}</p>`;
* Render component from the template using Lit
render() {
// Render with lit-html
render(this._template(), this);
// If there is not features, add empty content in the container
if (this.features.length === 0) {
this.querySelector('table.lizmap-features-table-container').innerHTML = ' ';
} else {
// Add drag & drop capabilities if option is set
if (this.itemsDraggable == 'yes') {
// Toggle the feature detail
* When the table has been successfully displayed. The event carries the lizmap-features-table HTML element ID
* @event features.table.rendered
* @property {string} elementId HTML element ID
type: 'features.table.rendered',
elementId: this.id
* Get the feature corresponding to the given feature ID
* @param {number} featureId WFS Feature ID
* @returns {object | null} WFS Feature
getFeatureById(featureId) {
if (this.features.length === 0) {
return null;
return this.features.find(feature => feature.properties.feature_id == featureId);
* Toggle the display of the active feature details
toggleFeatureDetail() {
// Do nothing if features have not been fetched yet
// This is important to be able to create a new element
// with its attribute data-active-item-feature-id set to a feature ID
if (!this.features.length) return;
// Get the value store in the dataset attribute
const activeItemFeatureId = this.dataset.activeItemFeatureId;
// console.log(`Toggle. activeItemFeatureId = ${activeItemFeatureId}`);
// We should hide or display the features details
// depending on the attribute value
// If it is empty or a string 'null', hide the popup and remove the geometry
// It is set to an existing feature ID, display the popup and the feature geometry
if (!activeItemFeatureId || activeItemFeatureId === 'null') {
// activeItemFeatureId empty or a string 'null'
// deactivate the display of feature details (popup, geometry, etc.)
if (this.openPopup) {
// Hide the popup and display the list of features
const item = this.querySelector('tr.lizmap-features-table-item.popup-displayed');
if (item) item.classList.remove('popup-displayed');
// Set the tr title back to original
this.querySelectorAll('tr.lizmap-features-table-item').forEach(tr => {
`${lizDict['featuresTable.item.hover'] + '.'} ${this.itemsDraggable == 'yes' ? lizDict['featuresTable.item.draggable.hover'] + '.' : ''}`
// Also remove the popup-displayed class from the div
const div = this.querySelector('div.lizmap-features-table.popup-displayed');
if (div) div.classList.remove('popup-displayed');
// Remove the highlight on the map
if (this.dataset.showHighlightedFeatureGeometry === 'true') {
// Reset the active line number
this.activeItemLineNumber = null;
} else {
// activeItemFeatureId is set
// activate the display of feature details (popup, geometry, etc.)
// Set the active line number
const lineTr = this.querySelector(`tr.lizmap-features-table-item[data-feature-id="${activeItemFeatureId}"]`);
if (lineTr) {
this.activeItemLineNumber = parseInt(lineTr.dataset.lineId);
// Get the WFS feature
const activeFeature = this.getFeatureById(activeItemFeatureId);
// If no feature corresponds, we should deactivate the features detail
if (!activeFeature) {
this.setAttribute("data-active-item-feature-id", "");
// Display the feature popup
if (this.openPopup) {
// Center the map on the clicked element if the feature has a geometry
if (activeFeature.geometry && this.dataset.centerToHighlightedFeatureGeometry === 'true') {
const geom = (new GeoJSON()).readGeometry(activeFeature.geometry, {
dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
featureProjection: lizMap.mainLizmap.projection
mainLizmap.map.zoomToGeometryOrExtent(geom, { duration: 150 });
// Highlight the clicked element on the map
if (this.dataset.showHighlightedFeatureGeometry === 'true') {
// Dispatch event
* When the user has selected an item and highlighted it
* @event features.table.item.highlighted
* @property {string} itemFeatureId The feature ID of the selected item
type: 'features.table.item.highlighted',
itemFeatureId: activeItemFeatureId,
* Get the feature popup HTML content
* and display it
* @param {object} feature WFS feature
displayFeaturePopup(feature) {
// Get the default title for the table lines (tr)
const defaultItemTitle = `${lizDict['featuresTable.item.hover']}. ${this.itemsDraggable == 'yes' ? lizDict['featuresTable.item.draggable.hover'] + '.' : ''}`;
// Fetch the feature popup HTML and use it to display the popup
function(aLayerId, aFeature, aTarget) {
// Add bootstrap classes to the popup tables
const popupTable = aTarget.querySelector('table.lizmapPopupTable');
if (popupTable) {
popupTable.classList.add('table', 'table-condensed', 'table-sm', 'table-bordered', 'table-striped');
// Show popup and hide other children
const featuresTableDiv = aTarget.parentElement;
if (featuresTableDiv) {
// Add class to the parent
// Remove popup-displayed for all other items
// And restore previous title
var items = featuresTableDiv.querySelectorAll('table.lizmap-features-table-container tr.lizmap-features-table-item.popup-displayed');
Array.from(items).forEach(item => {
item.setAttribute('title', defaultItemTitle);
// Add class to the active item
const childSelector = `tr.lizmap-features-table-item[data-feature-id="${feature.properties.feature_id}"]`;
const activeItem = featuresTableDiv.querySelector(childSelector);
if (activeItem) activeItem.classList.add('popup-displayed');
// Change title
// Toggle previous/next buttons depending on active line id
const previousButton = featuresTableDiv.querySelector('div.lizmap-features-table-toolbar button.previous-popup');
const nextButton = featuresTableDiv.querySelector('div.lizmap-features-table-toolbar button.next-popup');
previousButton.style.display = (activeItem.dataset.lineId == 1) ? 'none' : 'initial';
nextButton.style.display = (activeItem.dataset.lineId == featuresTableDiv.dataset.featuresCount) ? 'none' : 'initial';
* Display a popup when a feature item is clicked
* @param {Event} event Click event on a feature item
* @param {number} featureId WFS feature ID
onItemClick(event, featureId) {
// console.log('onItemClick - top');
// Check if the item was active
const itemWasActive = (this.dataset.activeItemFeatureId == featureId);
// Set the features table properties
if (!itemWasActive) {
this.setAttribute('data-active-item-feature-id', featureId);
} else {
this.setAttribute('data-active-item-feature-id', "");
this.activeItemLineNumber = null;
* Add drag&drop capabilities to the lizmap-features-table element
* A request is sent when the order changes
addDragAndDropCapabilities() {
// Add drag and drop events to table items
const items = this.querySelectorAll('table.lizmap-features-table-container tr.lizmap-features-table-item');
if (!items) return;
Array.from(items).forEach(item => {
item.setAttribute('draggable', 'true');
item.addEventListener('dragstart', onDragStart)
item.addEventListener('drop', OnDropped)
item.addEventListener('dragenter', onDragEnter)
item.addEventListener('dragover', onDragOver)
item.addEventListener('dragleave', onDragLeave)
item.addEventListener('dragend', onDragEnd)
// Utility functions for drag & drop capability
* Action when an item is dragged
* @param {Event} e Drag event
function onDragStart (e) {
const index = [].indexOf.call(e.target.parentElement.children, e.target);
e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', index)
* Action on drag enter
* @param {Event} e Drag event
function onDragEnter (e) {
* Action when an item is dragged over another
* @param {Event} e Drag event
function onDragOver (e) {
// Change the target element's style to signify a drag over event
// has occurred
e.currentTarget.style.background = "lightblue";
* Action when an item is dragged out of another
* @param {Event} e Drag event
function onDragLeave (e) {
// Change the target element's style back to default
e.currentTarget.style.background = "";
* Wait for a delay
* @param {number} delay Delay in milliseconds
* @returns {Promise} Promise that resolves after the delay
function waitForIt(delay) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay))
* Action when an item is dropped
* @param {Event} e Drag event
function OnDropped (e) {
// Change the target element's style back to default
// Celui sur lequel on a lâché l'item déplacé
e.currentTarget.style.background = "";
// Get item
const item = e.currentTarget;
// Get dragged item old and new index
const oldIndex = e.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain');
// Get the dropped item
const dropped = item.parentElement.children[oldIndex];
// Emphasize the element
// So that the user sees it well after drop
dropped.style.border = "2px solid var(--color-contrasted-elements)";
// Move the dropped items at new place
// Set the new line number to the items
let i = 1;
for (const child of item.parentElement.children) {
if (!child.classList.contains('lizmap-features-table-item')) {
const lineId = i;
child.dataset.lineId = lineId;
// Send event
const movedFeatureId = dropped.dataset.featureId;
const newItem = item.parentElement.querySelector(`tr.lizmap-features-table-item[data-feature-id="${movedFeatureId}"]`);
// Set the new active line number
this.activeItemLineNumber = parseInt(newItem.dataset.lineId);
* When the user has dropped an item in a new position
* @event features.table.item.dragged
* @property {string} itemFeatureId The vector feature ID
* @property {string} itemOldLineId The original line ID before dropping the item
* @property {string} itemNewLineId The new line ID after dropping the item in a new position
type: 'features.table.item.dragged',
itemFeatureId: movedFeatureId,
itemOldLineId: dropped.dataset.lineId,
itemNewLineId: newItem.dataset.lineId
* Action when an item has finished being dragged
* @param {Event} e Drag event
async function onDragEnd (e) {
// Restore style after some time
await waitForIt(3000);
e.target.style.border = "";
// e.target.style.backgroundColor = "";
* Prevent the default behavior of an event
* @param {Event} e event
* @returns {boolean} False
function cancelDefault (e) {
return false;
connectedCallback() {
// console.log('connectedCallback - top');
if (this.querySelector("lizmap-field")) {
const listField = this.querySelectorAll("lizmap-field");
const verifiedFields = this.verifyFields(listField);
verifiedFields.forEach((field) => {
const fieldExpression = field.innerText;
const fieldDescription = field.dataset.description;
let fieldAlias = field.dataset.alias;
if (!fieldAlias) fieldAlias = fieldExpression.replaceAll('"', '');
// Prevent all fields goes on one tab instead of the other when multiple layers are clicked on
if (btoa(fieldAlias) in this.additionalFields.fields) {
'alias': btoa(fieldAlias),
'expression': fieldExpression,
'description': fieldDescription
// Template
this._template = () => html`
<div class="lizmap-features-table" data-features-count="${this.features.length}"
<div class="lizmap-features-table-toolbar">
<button class="btn btn-mini previous-popup"
@click=${() => {
// Click on the previous item
const lineNumber = this.activeItemLineNumber - 1;
const featureDiv = this.querySelector(`tr.lizmap-features-table-item[data-line-id="${lineNumber}"]`);
if (featureDiv) featureDiv.click();
<button class="btn btn-mini next-popup"
@click=${() => {
// Click on the next item
const lineNumber = this.activeItemLineNumber + 1;
const featureDiv = this.querySelector(`tr.lizmap-features-table-item[data-line-id="${lineNumber}"]`);
if (featureDiv) featureDiv.click();
<button class="btn btn-mini close-popup"
@click=${() => {
const checkFeatureId = (this.dataset.activeItemFeatureId) ?? "";
if (!checkFeatureId) return;
this.dataset.activeItemFeatureId = ""
<table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-condensed lizmap-features-table-container">
${this.features.map((feature, idx) =>
class="lizmap-features-table-item ${this.openPopup ? 'has-action' : ''}"
title="${this.openPopup ? lizDict['featuresTable.item.hover'] + '.': ''} ${this.itemsDraggable == 'yes' ? lizDict['featuresTable.item.draggable.hover'] + '.' : ''}"
@click=${event => {
this.onItemClick(event, feature.properties.feature_id);
<div class="lizmap-features-table-item-popup"></div>
// Load
* Build the columns of the table
* @param {object} properties - Object containing the properties of the feature
* @returns {TemplateResult} The columns of the table
buildColumns(properties) {
let result = html`
if (!this.isAdditionalFieldsEmpty()) {
this.additionalFields.fields.forEach(field => {
let td = html`
result = html`
return result;
* Initialize tab with the first column "display_expression"
* @param {object} properties - Object containing the properties of the feature
* @returns {TemplateResult} The first column of the table
buildDisplayExpressionColumn(properties) {
if (this.isGeneralLabelExisting()) {
return html`
<td class="lizmap-features-table-item">
} else {
return html``;
* Initialize the labels of the table
* @returns {TemplateResult} The labels of the table
buildLabels() {
if (this.isAdditionalFieldsEmpty()) {
return html``;
let result;
this.additionalFields.fields.forEach(field => {
let th = html`
class="border lizmap-features-table-item"
title="${(field.description) ? field.description : ''}"
result = html`
if (this.isGeneralLabelExisting()) {
// First th to create an empty column for "display_expression"
return html`
<tr class="border-0">
<th class="border-0 lizmap-features-table-item-empty"></th>
} else {
return html`
* Check if the additionalFields property is empty
* @returns {boolean} True if the additionalFields property is empty
isAdditionalFieldsEmpty() {
return this.additionalFields.fields.length === 0;
* Check if the general label "display_expression" is existing
* @returns {boolean} True if the general label "display_expression" is existing
isGeneralLabelExisting() {
return this.features[0].properties.hasOwnProperty('display_expression');
* Verify if there's no fields with the same alias or expression
* @param {Array.<object>} listField - List of fields
* @returns {Array.<object>} - List of verified fields
verifyFields(listField) {
let verifiedFields = [listField[0]];
for (let i = 1; i < listField.length; i++) {
const fieldAlias = listField[i].dataset.alias;
const fieldExpression = listField[i].innerText;
let isValid = true;
verifiedFields.forEach(field => {
if (field.innerText === fieldExpression) {
isValid = false;
} else if (field.dataset.alias === fieldAlias && field.dataset.alias !== "") {
// Remove the field if the alias is already used but not when they are both empty because fields will be automatically different
isValid = false;
if (isValid) {
return verifiedFields;
static get observedAttributes() { return ['updated','expressionfilter', 'data-active-item-feature-id']; }
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
// Listen to the change of the updated attribute
// This will trigger the load (refresh the content)
// Be aware that the name returned here is always lowercase
if (name === 'updated') {
// console.log('Reload features table');
// Also reload when the expressionFilter has changed
if (name === 'expressionfilter') {
// Prevent features table to load two time at its creation
if (oldValue && newValue && oldValue != newValue) {
// console.log('Reload the table with the new expressionFilter');
this.expressionFilter = newValue;
// Check for the data-active-item-feature-id
if (name === 'data-active-item-feature-id') {
if (oldValue != newValue) {
// console.log(`Attribute data-active-item-feature-id changed, OLD = ${oldValue}, NEW = ${newValue}`);
disconnectedCallback() {